
  1. “Deux cultures sont en présence. C’est leur interréaction — tout ce que dit le prefixe ad — qui est l’accultura- tion” [12, p. 8].
  2. Glycas has been identified with Michael Sikidites, secretary at the court of Manuel I and then flunked in disfavor because of his participation in the Styppeiotes’ conspiracy in 1159 [2, p. 654].
  3. Discovered in 1959, the mosaic pavement of Trani presents narrow compositional and stylistic affinities with the one in Otranto [5, p. 492]. Furthermore there was a mosaic pavement also in Lecce, destroyed soon after its discovery in 1876 without before any description or drawing was done [27, p. 229].
  4.   “(...) the most excellent among the birds / and then the most outstanding among all the animals” [24, p. 173].
  5. Cavallo recognizes in the Montecassino illumination the source both for the Ambrosian Phylologus and the mosaic pavement of Otranto [6, p. 180].
  6. The same arrangement stands in a Lectionary of the Dumbarton Oaks Collection (cod. 1, f. 145r), realized in Constantinople during the 11th c.; see Illuminated Greek manuscripts from American collections [17, p. 134‒137, No 35].
  7. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Gospel of Mark, XV, 34).
  8. “Longinus, what are you doing? What are you looking so shocked? Great and extraordinary is the miracle I see: tell who is the one who you pierced. He is really God: look” [24, p. 78‒79].
  9. For example, the Vaticanus Rossianus 251 and the Cod. 35 conserved in the Patriarchal Library of Alexandria [29, p. 229, fig. 251].
  10. For a thorough statement of the sources [8, p. 185].
  11. Indeed, Leo VI died on 11th May 912, the day of the tenth anniversary of the failed attempt [28, p. 214].
  12. The epithet was firstly used by Eustathius of Thessalonica, who together with this introduced also an ecclesiastic role, μακαριώτατος [25, p. 336].